
Memorize the most common words in Romanian

An effective method for memorizing the most common words in Romanian is based on muscle memory. By repeatedly typing the words, you enhance your ability to remember them. Dedicate 10 minutes of practice each day, and you could learn all the essential words within two-three months.

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Why the First 1000 Words in Romanian Are Crucial

There's no magic number of Romanian words that will unlock conversational fluency, as language proficiency hinges on multiple factors. These include the intrinsic complexity of Romanian, the specific scenarios in which you aim to communicate, and your skill in applying the language creatively and flexibly. Nonetheless, in the realm of Romanian language learning, the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) offers a guideline for gauging language proficiency levels.

The CEFR's A1 tier, labeled as the Beginner level, corresponds to a basic familiarity with Romanian. At this initial stage, a learner is equipped to grasp and employ common, day-to-day expressions as well as elementary phrases designed for meeting immediate needs. This includes self-introduction, fielding and posing questions about personal details, and engaging in straightforward interactions, assuming the conversation partner speaks slowly, articulately, and is patient. While the exact vocabulary for an A1 level student may differ, it often ranges from 500 to 1,000 words, a foundation robust enough for crafting simple sentences and framing queries related to numbers, dates, essential personal details, commonplace objects, and uncomplicated activities in Romanian.

Further analysis suggests that a vocabulary tallying at the A2 level is where basic conversational fluency in Romanian begins to crystallize. At this stage, having a command of roughly 1,200 to 2,000 words may suffice for elementary dialogue encompassing familiar subjects.

Hence, accruing a lexicon of 1,000 Romanian words is deemed a highly effective strategy for a broad understanding of written and spoken contexts, alongside the capability to articulate oneself in a swath of routine scenarios. Achieving this lexicon is to equip yourself with the critical vocabulary needed for communicating with a measure of ease and is a tangible target for most learners of the language.

It's important to note that mere knowledge of individual Romanian words won't suffice. The key to language mastery lies in the ability to weave these words into coherent, meaningful exchanges and to navigate conversations with confidence in Romanian. This includes not only vocabulary but also a grasp of basic Romanian grammar principles, pronunciation patterns, and familiar expressions—all vital elements to truly leveraging your 1,000-word arsenal.

List of 1000 most common words (Romanian)

eu I
el he
ea she
aceasta it
noi we
ei they
pe mine me
tu you
-l him
S.U.A us
lor them
Ale mele my
ta your
a ei her
este its
al nostru our
al lor their
A mea mine
a ta yours
a lui his
al ei hers
a noastra ours
a lor theirs
acest this
toate all
primul first
al doilea second
al treilea third
Următorul next
ultimul last
unu one
Două two
Trei three
patru four
cinci five
şase six
Șapte seven
opt eight
nouă nine
zece ten
din nou again
mereu always
nu never
o alta another
alte other
la fel same
diferit different
mult a lot
și and
la to
în in
este is
acea that
a fost was
pentru for
pe on
sunt are
la fel de as
cu with
la at
fi be
avea have
din from
sau or
a avut had
de by
cuvânt word
dar but
nu not
ce what
au fost were
când when
poate sa can
a spus said
Acolo there
utilizare use
zero zero
fiecare each
care which
do do
Cum how
dacă if
voi will
sus up
despre about
afară out
mulți many
apoi then
aceste these
asa de so
niste some
ar would
face make
ca like
în into
timp time
are has
uite look
Mai mult more
scrie write
merge go
vedea see
număr number
Nu no
cale way
ar putea could
oameni people
decât than
apă water
fost been
apel call
OMS who
ulei oil
acum now
găsi find
lung long
jos down
zi day
făcut did
obține get
vino come
făcut made
Mai may
parte part
peste over
Spune say
a stabilit set
nou new
Grozav great
a pune put
sunet sound
Unde where
Sfârşit end
lua take
Ajutor help
face does
numai only
prin through
mic little
mult much
bine well
muncă work
inainte de before
mare large
stiu know
linia line
trebuie sa must
loc place
dreapta right
mare big
an year
de asemenea too
chiar even
Trăi live
Rău mean
astfel de such
vechi old
deoarece because
înapoi back
orice any
întoarce turn
da give
Aici here
cel mai most
spune tell
De ce why
foarte very
băiat boy
cere ask
după after
urma follow
a mers went
lucru thing
a venit came
bărbați men
vrei want
citit read
doar just
spectacol show
nevoie need
Nume name
de asemenea also
teren land
bun good
în jurul around
propoziție sentence
formă form
Acasă home
om man
gândi think
mic small
mișcare move
încerca try
drăguț kind
mână hand
imagine picture
Schimbare change
oprit off
Joaca play
vraja spell
aer air
departe away
animal animal
casa house
punct point
pagină page
scrisoare letter
mamă mother
Răspuns answer
găsite found
studiu study
încă still
învăța learn
ar trebui să should
America America
lume world
înalt high
fiecare every
unsprezece eleven
doisprezece twelve
treisprezece thirteen
paisprezece fourteen
cincisprezece fifteen
şaisprezece sixteen
şaptesprezece seventeen
optsprezece eighteen
nouăsprezece nineteen
douăzeci twenty
aproape near
adăuga add
alimente food
între between
proprii own
de mai jos below
țară country
plantă plant
şcoală school
Tată father
a pastra keep
copac tree
start start
oraș city
Pământ earth
ochi eye
ușoară light
gând thought
cap head
sub under
poveste story
a văzut saw
important important
stânga left
pana cand until
nu don't
copii children
puţini few
latură side
in timp ce while
picioarele feet
de-a lungul along
mașină car
ar putea might
milă mile
închide close
noapte night
ceva something
mers pe jos walk
pare seem
alb white
mare sea
greu hard
a început began
deschis open
crește grow
exemplu example
a luat took
ÎNCEPE begin
râu river
viaţă life
transporta carry
acestea those
stat state
ambii both
o singura data once
hârtie paper
carte book
împreună together
auzi hear
a primit got
Stop stop
grup group
fără without
de multe ori often
alerga run
mai tarziu later
domnisoara miss
idee idea
suficient enough
mânca eat
față face
ceas watch
departe far
indian Indian
într-adevăr really
aproape almost
lăsa let
de mai sus above
fată girl
uneori sometimes
Munte mountain
a tăia cut
tineri young
vorbi talk
curând soon
listă list
cântec song
fiind being
părăsi leave
familie family
este it's
corp body
muzică music
culoare color
stand stand
soare sun
întrebare question
peşte fish
zonă area
marcă mark
câine dog
cal horse
păsări birds
problemă problem
complet complete
cameră room
știa knew
de cand since
vreodată ever
bucată piece
spuse told
de obicei usually
nu a făcut-o didn't
prieteni friends
uşor easy
auzit heard
Ordin order
roșu red
uşă door
sigur sure
deveni become
top top
navă ship
peste across
astăzi today
pe parcursul during
mic de statura short
mai bine better
Cel mai bun best
in orice caz however
scăzut low
ore hours
negru black
produse products
s-a întâmplat happened
întreg whole
măsura measure
tine minte remember
din timp early
valuri waves
atins reached
Terminat done
Engleză English
drum road
oprire halt
a zbura fly
a dat gave
cutie box
in cele din urma finally
aștepta wait
corect correct
Oh oh
repede quickly
persoană person
a devenit became
afișate shown
minute minutes
puternic strong
verb verb
stele stars
față front
simt feel
fapt fact
inci inches
stradă street
hotărât decided
conține contain
curs course
suprafaţă surface
legume şi fructe produce
clădire building
ocean ocean
clasă class
Notă note
nimic nothing
odihnă rest
cu grija carefully
oameni de știință scientists
interior inside
rotile wheels
stau stay
verde green
cunoscut known
insulă island
săptămână week
Mai puțin less
mașinărie machine
baza base
în urmă ago
stătea în picioare stood
avion plane
sistem system
in spate behind
a fugit ran
rundă round
barcă boat
joc game
forta force
adus brought
a intelege understand
cald warm
uzual common
aduce bring
explica explain
uscat dry
deşi though
limba language
formă shape
adânc deep
mii thousands
da yes
clar clear
ecuaţie equation
inca yet
guvern government
umplut filled
căldură heat
deplin full
Fierbinte hot
Verifica check
obiect object
a.m am
regulă rule
printre among
substantiv noun
putere power
nu poti cannot
capabil able
mărimea size
întuneric dark
minge ball
material material
special special
greu heavy
amenda fine
pereche pair
cerc circle
include include
construit built
nu pot can't
materie matter
pătrat square
silabe syllables
poate perhaps
factură bill
simțit felt
brusc suddenly
Test test
direcţie direction
centru center
fermierii farmers
gata ready
orice anything
împărțit divided
general general
energie energy
subiect subject
Europa Europe
lună moon
regiune region
întoarcere return
crede believe
dans dance
membrii members
ales picked
simplu simple
celule cells
a picta paint
minte mind
dragoste love
cauză cause
ploaie rain
exercițiu exercise
ouă eggs
tren train
albastru blue
dori wish
cădere brusca drop
dezvoltat developed
fereastră window
diferență difference
distanţă distance
inima heart
sta sit
sumă sum
vară summer
perete wall
pădure forest
probabil probably
picioare legs
sat sat
principal main
iarnă winter
larg wide
scris written
lungime length
motiv reason
ținut kept
interes interest
arme arms
frate brother
rasă race
prezent present
frumoasa beautiful
magazin store
loc de munca job
margine edge
trecut past
semn sign
record record
terminat finished
descoperit discovered
sălbatic wild
fericit happy
lângă beside
plecat gone
cer sky
sticlă glass
milion million
vest west
culca lay
vreme weather
rădăcină root
instrumente instruments
întâlni meet
luni months
paragraf paragraph
ridicat raised
reprezinta represent
moale soft
dacă whether
haine clothes
flori flowers
trebuie shall
profesor teacher
ţinut held
descrie describe
conduce drive
cruce cross
vorbi speak
rezolva solve
apărea appear
metal metal
fiul son
fie either
gheaţă ice
dormi sleep
sat village
factori factors
rezultat result
a sărit jumped
zăpadă snow
plimbare ride
îngrijire care
podea floor
deal hill
împins pushed
bebelus baby
Cumpără buy
secol century
in afara outside
Tot everything
înalt tall
deja already
in schimb instead
fraza phrase
sol soil
pat bed
copie copy
gratuit free
speranţă hope
arc spring
caz case
a râs laughed
naţiune nation
destul de quite
tip type
înșiși themselves
temperatura temperature
luminos bright
conduce lead
toata lumea everyone
metodă method
secțiune section
lac lake
consoană consonant
în within
dicţionar dictionary
păr hair
vârstă age
Cantitate amount
scară scale
lire sterline pounds
cu toate că although
pe per
spart broken
moment moment
minuscul tiny
posibil possible
aur gold
lapte milk
Liniște quiet
natural natural
lot lot
piatră stone
act act
construi build
mijloc middle
viteză speed
numara count
pisică cat
cineva someone
naviga sail
rulat rolled
urs bear
mirare wonder
a zâmbit smiled
unghi angle
fracțiune fraction
Africa Africa
ucis killed
melodie melody
fund bottom
excursie trip
gaură hole
sărac poor
hai sa let's
luptă fight
surprinde surprise
limba franceza French
decedat died
bate beat
exact exactly
rămâne remain
rochie dress
fier iron
nu putea couldn't
degete fingers
rând row
cel mai puţin least
captură catch
urcat climbed
a scris wrote
strigat shouted
a continuat continued
în sine itself
altfel else
câmpii plains
gaz gas
Anglia England
ardere burning
proiecta design
alăturat joined
picior foot
lege law
urechile ears
iarbă grass
tu esti you're
crescut grew
piele skin
vale valley
cenți cents
cheie key
presedinte president
maro brown
necaz trouble
misto cool
nor cloud
pierdut lost
trimis sent
simboluri symbols
purta wear
rău bad
Salvați save
experiment experiment
motor engine
singur alone
desen drawing
Est east
a plati pay
singur single
atingere touch
informație information
expres express
gură mouth
curte yard
egal equal
zecimal decimal
tu yourself
Control control
practică practice
raport report
Drept straight
creştere rise
afirmație statement
băț stick
parte party
semințe seeds
presupune suppose
femeie woman
coasta coast
bancă bank
perioadă period
sârmă wire
alege choose
curat clean
vizita visit
pic bit
a caror whose
primit received
grădină garden
Vă rog please
ciudat strange
prins caught
căzut fell
echipă team
Dumnezeu God
căpitan captain
direct direct
inel ring
servi serve
copil child
deşert desert
crește increase
istorie history
cost cost
pot fi maybe
Afaceri business
separa separate
pauză break
unchiul uncle
vânătoare hunting
curgere flow
doamnă lady
elevi students
uman human
artă art
sentiment feeling
livra supply
colţ corner
electric electric
insecte insects
culturi crops
ton tone
lovit hit
nisip sand
doctor doctor
oferi provide
prin urmare thus
nu va won't
bucătar cook
oase bones
coadă tail
bord board
modern modern
compus compound
nu a fost wasn't
potrivi fit
plus addition
aparține belong
sigur safe
soldati soldiers
ghici guess
tăcut silent
comerţul trade
mai degraba rather
comparaţie compare
mulțime crowd
poem poem
bucură-te enjoy
elemente elements
indica indicate
cu exceptia except
aştepta expect
apartament flat
interesant interesting
sens sense
şir string
a sufla blow
celebru famous
valoare value
aripile wings
circulaţie movement
pol pole
captivant exciting
ramuri branches
gros thick
sânge blood
minciună lie
loc spot
clopot bell
distracţie fun
tare loud
considera consider
sugerat suggested
subţire thin
poziţie position
a intrat entered
fructe fruit
legat tied
bogat rich
dolari dollars
trimite send
vedere sight
şef chief
japonez Japanese
curent stream
planete planets
ritm rhythm
ştiinţă science
major major
observa observe
tub tube
necesar necessary
greutate weight
carne meat
ridicat lifted
proces process
armată army
pălărie hat
proprietate property
special particular
înot swim
termeni terms
actual current
parc park
vinde sell
umăr shoulder
industrie industry
spalare wash
bloc block
răspândire spread
bovine cattle
soție wife
ascuțit sharp
companie company
radio radio
bine we'll
acțiune action
capital capital
fabrici factories
stabilit settled
galben yellow
nu este isn't
sudic southern
camion truck
corect fair
tipărite printed
nu ar fi wouldn't
înainte ahead
şansă chance
născut born
nivel level
triunghi triangle
molecule molecules
Franţa France
repetate repeated
coloană column
de vest western
biserică church
sora sister
oxigen oxygen
plural plural
variat various
de acord agreed
opus opposite
gresit wrong
diagramă chart
pregătit prepared
frumos pretty
soluţie solution
proaspăt fresh
magazin shop
in mod deosebit especially
pantofi shoes
de fapt actually
nas nose
frică afraid
mort dead
zahăr sugar
adjectiv adjective
smochin fig
birou office
imens huge
pistol gun
asemănătoare similar
moarte death
Scor score
redirecţiona forward
întins stretched
experienţă experience
Trandafir rose
permite allow
frică fear
muncitorii workers
Washington Washington
greacă Greek
femei women
cumparat bought
LED led
Martie march
de Nord northern
crea create
dificil difficult
Meci match
victorie win
nu doesn't
oţel steel
total total
afacere deal
a determina determine
seară evening
nici nor
frânghie rope
bumbac cotton
măr apple
Detalii details
întreg entire
porumb corn
substante substances
miros smell
unelte tools
conditii conditions
vaci cows
urmări track
sosit arrived
situat located
domnule sir
scaun seat
Divizia division
efect effect
subliniază underline
vedere view
trist sad
urât ugly
plictisitor boring
ocupat busy
târziu late
mai rau worse
mai multe several
nici unul none
împotriva against
rareori rarely
nici neither
Mâine tomorrow
ieri yesterday
dupa amiaza afternoon
lună month
duminică Sunday
luni Monday
marţi Tuesday
miercuri Wednesday
joi Thursday
vineri Friday
sâmbătă Saturday
toamnă autumn
Nord north
sud south
flămând hungry
însetat thirsty
umed wet
periculos dangerous
prieten friend
mamă parent
fiica daughter
soțul husband
bucătărie kitchen
baie bathroom
dormitor bedroom
sufragerie living room
oraș town
student student
pix pen
mic dejun breakfast
Masa de pranz lunch
cină dinner
masă meal
banană banana
portocale orange
lămâie lemon
vegetal vegetable
cartof potato
roșie tomato
ceapă onion
salată salad
vită beef
porc pork
pui chicken
pâine bread
unt butter
brânză cheese
ou egg
orez rice
Paste pasta
supă soup
tort cake
cafea coffee
ceai tea
suc juice
sare salt
piper pepper
băutură drink
coace bake
gust taste
costum suit
cămaşă shirt
fusta skirt
pantaloni pants
palton coat
sac bag
gri gray
roz pink

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