
Memorize the most common words in Catalan

An effective method for memorizing the most common words in Catalan is based on muscle memory. By repeatedly typing the words, you enhance your ability to remember them. Dedicate 10 minutes of practice each day, and you could learn all the essential words within two-three months.

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Why the First 1000 Words in Catalan Are Crucial

There's no magic number of Catalan words that will unlock conversational fluency, as language proficiency hinges on multiple factors. These include the intrinsic complexity of Catalan, the specific scenarios in which you aim to communicate, and your skill in applying the language creatively and flexibly. Nonetheless, in the realm of Catalan language learning, the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) offers a guideline for gauging language proficiency levels.

The CEFR's A1 tier, labeled as the Beginner level, corresponds to a basic familiarity with Catalan. At this initial stage, a learner is equipped to grasp and employ common, day-to-day expressions as well as elementary phrases designed for meeting immediate needs. This includes self-introduction, fielding and posing questions about personal details, and engaging in straightforward interactions, assuming the conversation partner speaks slowly, articulately, and is patient. While the exact vocabulary for an A1 level student may differ, it often ranges from 500 to 1,000 words, a foundation robust enough for crafting simple sentences and framing queries related to numbers, dates, essential personal details, commonplace objects, and uncomplicated activities in Catalan.

Further analysis suggests that a vocabulary tallying at the A2 level is where basic conversational fluency in Catalan begins to crystallize. At this stage, having a command of roughly 1,200 to 2,000 words may suffice for elementary dialogue encompassing familiar subjects.

Hence, accruing a lexicon of 1,000 Catalan words is deemed a highly effective strategy for a broad understanding of written and spoken contexts, alongside the capability to articulate oneself in a swath of routine scenarios. Achieving this lexicon is to equip yourself with the critical vocabulary needed for communicating with a measure of ease and is a tangible target for most learners of the language.

It's important to note that mere knowledge of individual Catalan words won't suffice. The key to language mastery lies in the ability to weave these words into coherent, meaningful exchanges and to navigate conversations with confidence in Catalan. This includes not only vocabulary but also a grasp of basic Catalan grammar principles, pronunciation patterns, and familiar expressions—all vital elements to truly leveraging your 1,000-word arsenal.

List of 1000 most common words (Catalan)

jo I
ell he
ella she
això it
nosaltres we
ells they
jo me
vostè you
ell him
nosaltres us
ells them
meu my
teu your
ella her
la seva its
nostre our
els seus their
el meu mine
teu yours
seva his
seva hers
nostre ours
els seus theirs
això this
tots all
primer first
segon second
tercer third
Pròxim next
darrer last
un one
dos two
tres three
quatre four
cinc five
sis six
set seven
vuit eight
nou nine
deu ten
de nou again
sempre always
mai never
un altre another
altres other
mateix same
diferents different
molt a lot
i and
a to
en in
és is
això that
era was
per for
activat on
són are
com as
amb with
a les at
ser be
tenir have
des de from
o or
tenia had
per by
paraula word
però but
no not
què what
eren were
Quan when
llauna can
dit said
allà there
utilitzar use
zero zero
cadascun each
quin which
fer do
com how
si if
voluntat will
amunt up
Sobre about
fora out
molts many
aleshores then
aquests these
tan so
alguns some
ho faria would
fer make
M'agrada like
a into
temps time
mira look
més more
escriure write
anar go
veure see
nombre number
no no
manera way
podria could
gent people
que than
aigua water
estat been
anomenada call
OMS who
oli oil
ara now
trobar find
llarg long
cap avall down
dia day
va fer did
aconseguir get
vine come
fet made
maig may
part part
acabat over
dir say
conjunt set
nou new
genial great
posar put
so sound
on where
final end
prendre take
ajuda help
fa does
només only
a través through
poc little
molt much
treball work
abans before
gran large
saber know
línia line
haver de must
lloc place
dret right
gran big
curs year
també too
fins i tot even
viu live
significar mean
tal such
vell old
perquè because
esquena back
cap any
torn turn
donar give
aquí here
la majoria most
dir tell
Per què why
molt very
noi boy
preguntar ask
després after
segueix follow
va anar went
cosa thing
va venir came
homes men
voler want
llegir read
només just
espectacle show
necessitat need
nom name
també also
terra land
bo good
al voltant around
frase sentence
forma form
casa home
home man
pensar think
petit small
moure's move
provar try
amable kind
imatge picture
canvi change
apagat off
jugar play
conjurar spell
aire air
lluny away
animal animal
casa house
punt point
pàgina page
carta letter
mare mother
resposta answer
trobat found
estudiar study
encara still
aprendre learn
hauria should
Amèrica America
món world
alt high
cada every
onze eleven
dotze twelve
tretze thirteen
catorze fourteen
quinze fifteen
setze sixteen
disset seventeen
divuit anys eighteen
dinou nineteen
vint twenty
prop near
afegir add
menjar food
entre between
propi own
baix below
país country
planta plant
escola school
pare father
mantenir keep
arbre tree
començar start
ciutat city
terra earth
ull eye
llum light
pensat thought
cap head
sota under
història story
va veure saw
important important
esquerra left
fins que until
no ho facis don't
nens children
pocs few
costat side
mentre while
peus feet
al llarg along
cotxe car
podria might
milla mile
Tanca close
nit night
alguna cosa something
caminar walk
semblar seem
blanc white
mar sea
dur hard
va començar began
obert open
créixer grow
exemple example
pres took
començar begin
riu river
vida life
portar carry
aquells those
estat state
tots dos both
un cop once
paper paper
llibre book
junts together
escoltar hear
obtingut got
Atura stop
grup group
sense without
sovint often
correr run
més tard later
senyoreta miss
idea idea
suficient enough
menjar eat
cara face
veure watch
lluny far
indi Indian
realment really
gairebé almost
deixar let
a dalt above
noia girl
de vegades sometimes
muntanya mountain
tallar cut
jove young
parlar talk
aviat soon
llista list
cançó song
ser being
marxar leave
família family
és it's
cos body
música music
color color
parar stand
sol sun
pregunta question
peixos fish
zona area
senyal mark
gos dog
cavall horse
ocells birds
problema problem
completa complete
habitació room
sabia knew
des que since
sempre ever
peça piece
va dir told
generalment usually
no ho va fer didn't
amics friends
fàcil easy
sentit heard
ordre order
vermell red
porta door
segur sure
convertir-se en become
superior top
vaixell ship
a través de across
avui today
durant during
curt short
millor better
millor best
malgrat això however
baix low
hores hours
negre black
productes products
succeït happened
sencer whole
mesura measure
recorda remember
d'hora early
ones waves
assolit reached
fet done
Anglès English
carretera road
parar halt
volar fly
va donar gave
Caixa box
finalment finally
espera wait
correcte correct
oh oh
ràpidament quickly
persona person
es va convertir became
mostrat shown
minuts minutes
fort strong
verb verb
estrelles stars
davant front
sentir feel
fet fact
polzades inches
carrer street
decidit decided
contenir contain
curs course
superfície surface
produir produce
edifici building
oceà ocean
classe class
nota note
res nothing
descans rest
amb cura carefully
científics scientists
dins inside
rodes wheels
quedar-se stay
verd green
conegut known
illa island
setmana week
menys less
màquina machine
base base
fa ago
es va posar dempeus stood
avió plane
sistema system
darrere behind
va córrer ran
rodó round
vaixell boat
joc game
força force
portat brought
entendre understand
càlid warm
comú common
portar bring
explicar explain
sec dry
però though
llenguatge language
forma shape
profunda deep
milers thousands
clar clear
equació equation
encara yet
govern government
ple filled
calor heat
ple full
calent hot
comprovar check
objecte object
soc am
regla rule
entre among
substantiu noun
poder power
no pot cannot
capaç able
mida size
fosc dark
pilota ball
material material
especial special
pesada heavy
parella pair
cercle circle
incloure include
construït built
no pot can't
matèria matter
quadrat square
síl·labes syllables
potser perhaps
factura bill
sentit felt
de sobte suddenly
prova test
direcció direction
centre center
pagesos farmers
llest ready
qualsevol cosa anything
dividit divided
general general
energia energy
assignatura subject
Europa Europe
lluna moon
regió region
tornar return
creure believe
dansa dance
membres members
escollit picked
senzill simple
cèl · lules cells
pintura paint
ment mind
amor love
causa cause
pluja rain
exercici exercise
ous eggs
tren train
blau blue
desitjar wish
tirar drop
desenvolupat developed
finestra window
diferència difference
distància distance
cor heart
seure sit
suma sum
estiu summer
paret wall
bosc forest
probablement probably
cames legs
assegut sat
principal main
hivern winter
ample wide
escrit written
llargada length
raó reason
guardada kept
interès interest
braços arms
germà brother
carrera race
present present
bonic beautiful
botiga store
feina job
vora edge
passat past
signe sign
registre record
acabat finished
descobert discovered
salvatge wild
feliç happy
al costat beside
anat gone
cel sky
vidre glass
milions million
oest west
estirar lay
el temps weather
arrel root
instruments instruments
trobar-se meet
mesos months
paràgraf paragraph
aixecat raised
representar represent
suau soft
si whether
roba clothes
flors flowers
haurà shall
professor teacher
retinguda held
descriure describe
conduir drive
creu cross
parlar speak
resoldre solve
apareixer appear
metall metal
fill son
tampoc either
gel ice
dormir sleep
poble village
factors factors
resultat result
va saltar jumped
neu snow
passeig ride
cura care
pis floor
turó hill
empès pushed
nadó baby
comprar buy
segle century
fora outside
tot everything
alt tall
ja already
en canvi instead
frase phrase
sòl soil
llit bed
còpia copy
lliure free
esperança hope
primavera spring
Caixa case
va riure laughed
nació nation
bastant quite
tipus type
ells mateixos themselves
temperatura temperature
brillant bright
dirigir lead
tothom everyone
mètode method
secció section
llac lake
consonant consonant
dins within
diccionari dictionary
cabell hair
edat age
quantitat amount
escala scale
lliures pounds
encara que although
per per
trencat broken
moment moment
petit tiny
possible possible
or gold
llet milk
tranquil quiet
natural natural
lot lot
pedra stone
actuar act
construir build
mig middle
velocitat speed
comptar count
gat cat
algú someone
navegar sail
enrotllat rolled
suportar bear
meravella wonder
va somriure smiled
angle angle
fracció fraction
Àfrica Africa
morts killed
melodia melody
inferior bottom
viatge trip
forat hole
pobre poor
anem let's
lluitar fight
sorpresa surprise
francès French
mort died
batre beat
exactament exactly
romandre remain
vestit dress
ferro iron
no podia couldn't
dits fingers
fila row
almenys least
agafar catch
pujat climbed
va escriure wrote
va cridar shouted
va continuar continued
mateix itself
altra cosa else
planures plains
gas gas
Anglaterra England
cremant burning
disseny design
unit joined
peu foot
Llei law
orelles ears
herba grass
ets you're
va créixer grew
pell skin
vall valley
cèntims cents
clau key
president president
marró brown
problemes trouble
guai cool
núvol cloud
perdut lost
enviat sent
símbols symbols
desgast wear
dolent bad
guardar save
experiment experiment
motor engine
sol alone
dibuix drawing
est east
pagar pay
solter single
tocar touch
informació information
expressar express
boca mouth
pati yard
igual equal
decimal decimal
tu mateix yourself
control control
pràctica practice
informe report
recte straight
pujar rise
declaració statement
pal stick
festa party
llavors seeds
suposar suppose
dona woman
Costa coast
banc bank
període period
filferro wire
triar choose
net clean
visita visit
bit bit
de qui whose
rebut received
jardí garden
si us plau please
estrany strange
atrapat caught
va caure fell
equip team
Déu God
capità captain
directe direct
anell ring
servir serve
nen child
desert desert
augmentar increase
història history
cost cost
pot ser maybe
negocis business
separat separate
trencar break
oncle uncle
cacera hunting
fluir flow
senyora lady
estudiants students
humà human
art art
sensació feeling
subministrament supply
cantonada corner
elèctrica electric
insectes insects
cultius crops
to tone
colpejar hit
sorra sand
metge doctor
proporcionar provide
així thus
no ho farà won't
cuinar cook
ossos bones
cua tail
pissarra board
modern modern
compost compound
no ho era wasn't
encaixar fit
addició addition
pertànyer belong
Caixa forta safe
soldats soldiers
endevina guess
silenciós silent
comerç trade
més aviat rather
comparar compare
multitud crowd
poema poem
gaudir enjoy
elements elements
indicar indicate
excepte except
esperar expect
plana flat
interessant interesting
sentit sense
corda string
cop blow
famós famous
valor value
ales wings
moviment movement
pal pole
emocionant exciting
branques branches
espés thick
sang blood
mentida lie
taca spot
timbre bell
diversió fun
fort loud
considerar consider
suggerit suggested
prim thin
posició position
entrat entered
fruita fruit
lligat tied
ric rich
dòlars dollars
enviar send
vista sight
cap chief
japonès Japanese
corrent stream
planetes planets
ritme rhythm
ciència science
major major
observar observe
tub tube
necessaris necessary
pes weight
carn meat
aixecat lifted
procés process
exèrcit army
barret hat
propietat property
particular particular
nedar swim
termes terms
actual current
parc park
vendre sell
espatlla shoulder
indústria industry
rentar wash
bloc block
propagació spread
ramat cattle
dona wife
agut sharp
empresa company
ràdio radio
acció action
capital capital
fàbriques factories
assentat settled
groc yellow
no ho és isn't
meridional southern
camió truck
Fira fair
imprès printed
no ho faria wouldn't
endavant ahead
oportunitat chance
nascut born
nivell level
triangle triangle
molècules molecules
França France
repetida repeated
columna column
Occidental western
Església church
germana sister
oxigen oxygen
plural plural
diversos various
convingut agreed
contrari opposite
mal wrong
gràfic chart
preparat prepared
bonic pretty
solució solution
fresc fresh
botiga shop
especialment especially
sabates shoes
en realitat actually
nas nose
por afraid
mort dead
sucre sugar
adjectiu adjective
fig fig
oficina office
enorme huge
arma de foc gun
semblants similar
mort death
puntuació score
endavant forward
estirat stretched
experiència experience
rosa rose
permetre allow
por fear
treballadors workers
Washington Washington
grec Greek
dones women
comprat bought
conduït led
marxa march
nord northern
crear create
difícil difficult
partit match
guanyar win
no ho fa doesn't
acer steel
total total
acord deal
determinar determine
vespre evening
ni tampoc nor
corda rope
cotó cotton
poma apple
detalls details
sencer entire
blat de moro corn
substàncies substances
olor smell
eines tools
condicions conditions
vaques cows
pista track
va arribar arrived
situat located
senyor sir
seient seat
divisió division
efecte effect
subratllar underline
vista view
trist sad
lleig ugly
avorrit boring
ocupada busy
tard late
pitjor worse
diversos several
cap none
en contra against
poques vegades rarely
tampoc neither
demà tomorrow
ahir yesterday
tarda afternoon
mes month
diumenge Sunday
dilluns Monday
dimarts Tuesday
dimecres Wednesday
dijous Thursday
divendres Friday
dissabte Saturday
tardor autumn
nord north
sud south
famolenc hungry
assedegat thirsty
humit wet
perillós dangerous
amic friend
pare parent
filla daughter
marit husband
cuina kitchen
bany bathroom
dormitori bedroom
sala d'estar living room
poble town
estudiant student
bolígraf pen
esmorzar breakfast
dinar lunch
sopar dinner
menjar meal
plàtan banana
taronja orange
llimona lemon
vegetal vegetable
patata potato
tomàquet tomato
ceba onion
amanida salad
vedella beef
carn de porc pork
pollastre chicken
pa bread
mantega butter
formatge cheese
ou egg
arròs rice
pasta pasta
sopa soup
pastís cake
cafè coffee
te tea
suc juice
sal salt
pebre pepper
beure drink
enfornar bake
gust taste
vestit suit
samarreta shirt
faldilla skirt
pantalons pants
abric coat
bossa bag
gris gray
rosa pink

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