
Master Common Basque Phrases

An efficient technique for learning the most popular phrases in Basque is based on muscle memory and the spaced repetition technique. Regularly practicing typing these phrases improves your recall capability. Allocating 10 minutes daily to this exercise can enable you to master all crucial phrases in just two to three months.

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Why learning the most popular phrases in Basque is important

Learning the most common phrases in Basque at a beginner level (A1) is a crucial step in language acquisition for several reasons.

Solid foundation for further learning

By mastering the most frequently used phrases, you are essentially learning the building blocks of the language. This will make it easier to understand more complex sentences and conversations as you progress in your studies.

Basic communication

Even with a limited vocabulary, knowing common phrases can enable you to express basic needs, ask simple questions, and understand straightforward responses. This can be particularly useful if you are traveling to a country with Basque as a main language or interacting with Basque speakers.

Helps in comprehension

By familiarizing yourself with common phrases, you will be better equipped to understand spoken and written Basque. This can make it easier to follow conversations, read texts, and even watch films or television shows in Basque.

Helps to build confidence

Learning a new language can be daunting, but being able to successfully use and understand common phrases can provide a much-needed confidence boost. This can motivate you to continue learning and improving your language skills.

Cultural insight

Many common phrases are unique to a particular language and can provide insight into the culture and customs of its speakers. By learning these phrases, you are not only improving your language skills but also gaining a deeper understanding of culture.

Learning the most common phrases in Basque at a beginner level (A1) is an important step in language learning. It provides a foundation for further learning, enables basic communication, aids in comprehension, builds confidence, and offers cultural insight.

Essential Phrases for Everyday Conversation (Basque)

Kaixo zer moduz zaude? Hello, how are you?
Egun on. Good morning.
Arratsalde on. Good afternoon.
Arratsalde on. Good evening.
Gau on. Good night.
Agur. Goodbye.
Gero arte. See you later.
Laster arte. See you soon.
Bihar arte. See you tomorrow.
Mesedez. Please.
Eskerrik asko. Thank you.
Ez horregatik. You're welcome.
Barkatu. Excuse me.
Barkatu. I'm sorry.
Arazorik ez. No problem.
Behar dut... I need...
Nahi dut... I want...
dut... I have...
Ez daukat I don't have
Ba al daukazu...? Do you have...?
Uste dut... I think...
Ez dut uste... I don't think...
Badakit... I know...
Ez dakit... I don't know...
Gose naiz. I'm hungry.
Egarri naiz. I'm thirsty.
Nekatuta nago. I'm tired.
Gaixorik nago. I'm sick.
Ondo nago, eskerrik asko. I'm fine, thank you.
Nola sentitzen zara? How do you feel?
Ondo sentitzen naiz. I feel good.
Gaizki sentitzen naiz. I feel bad.
Lagundu al dizut? Can I help you?
Lagunduko didazu? Can you help me?
Ez dut ulertzen. I don't understand.
Errepikatu al zenuke, mesedez? Could you repeat that, please?
Nola deitzen zara? What's your name?
Nire izena Alex da My name is Alex
Urte askotarako. Nice to meet you.
Zenbat urte dituzu? How old are you?
30 urte ditut. I am 30 years old.
Nongoa zara? Where are you from?
Londreskoa naiz I am from London
Ingelesez hitz egiten al duzu? Do you speak English?
Ingeles pixka bat hitz egiten dut. I speak a little English.
Ez dakit ondo ingelesez. I don't speak English well.
Zer egiten duzu? What do you do?
Ikaslea naiz. I am a student.
Irakasle lanetan nabil. I work as a teacher.
Gogoko dut. I like it.
Ez zait gustatzen. I don't like it.
Zer da hau? What's this?
Hori liburu bat da. That's a book.
Zenbat da? How much is this?
Garestiegia da. It's too expensive.
Zer moduz zabiltza? How are you doing?
Ondo nago, eskerrik asko. Eta zu? I'm fine, thank you. And you?
Londreskoa naiz I'm from London
Bai, pixka bat hitz egiten dut. Yes, I speak a little.
30 urte ditut. I'm 30 years old.
Ikaslea naiz. I'm a student.
Irakasle lanetan nabil. I work as a teacher.
Liburu bat da. It's a book.
Lagundu al didazu, mesedez? Can you help me, please?
Bai noski. Yes, of course.
Ez, barkatu. Lanpetuta nago. No, I'm sorry. I'm busy.
Non dago komuna? Where is the bathroom?
Hor dago. It's over there.
Zer ordu da? What time is it?
Hirurak dira. It's three o'clock.
Jan dezagun zerbait. Let's eat something.
Kafe pixka bat nahi duzu? Do you want some coffee?
Bai mesedez. Yes, please.
Ez eskerrik asko. No, thank you.
Zenbat da? How much is it?
Hamar dolar dira. It's ten dollars.
Ordaindu dezaket txartelarekin? Can I pay by card?
Barkatu, dirua bakarrik. Sorry, only cash.
Barkatu, non dago gertuen dagoen bankua? Excuse me, where's the nearest bank?
Ezkerreko kalean dago. It's down the street on the left.
Errepikatu dezakezu hori, mesedez? Can you repeat that, please?
Motelago hitz egin al zenuke, mesedez? Could you speak slower, please?
Zer esan nahi du horrek? What does that mean?
Nola idazten duzu hori? How do you spell that?
Edalontzi bat ur har dezaket? Can I have a glass of water?
Hemen zaude. Here you are.
Eskerrik asko. Thank you very much.
Ondo da. That's okay.
Zer eguraldi dago? What's the weather like?
Eguzkitsua da. It's sunny.
Euria ari du. It's raining.
Zertan zabiltza? What are you doing?
Liburu bat irakurtzen ari naiz. I'm reading a book.
Telebista ikusten ari naiz. I'm watching TV.
dendara noa. I'm going to the store.
Etorri nahi duzu? Do you want to come?
Bai, gustatuko litzaidake. Yes, I'd love to.
Ez, ezin dut. No, I can't.
Zer egin zenuen atzo? What did you do yesterday?
Hondartzara joan nintzen. I went to the beach.
Etxean geratu nintzen. I stayed home.
Noiz da zure urtebetetzea? When is your birthday?
Uztailaren 4an da. It's on July 4th.
Gida dezakezu? Can you drive?
Bai, gidabaimena daukat. Yes, I have a driver's license.
Ez, ezin dut gidatu. No, I can't drive.
Gidatzen ikasten ari naiz. I'm learning to drive.
Non ikasi zenuen ingelesa? Where did you learn English?
Eskolan ikasi nuen. I learned it at school.
Sarean ikasten ari naiz. I'm learning it online.
Zein da zure janaririk gogokoena? What's your favorite food?
Pizza maite dut. I love pizza.
Ez zait arraina gustatzen. I don't like fish.
Egon al zara inoiz Londresera? Have you ever been to London?
Bai, iaz bisitatu nuen. Yes, I visited last year.
Ez, baina joan nahiko nuke. No, but I'd like to go.
ohera noa. I'm going to bed.
Ondo lo egin. Sleep well.
Egun ona izan. Have a good day.
Kontuz ibili. Take care.
Zein da zure telefono zenbakia? What's your phone number?
Nire zenbakia ... da My number is ...
Dei al zaitzaket? Can I call you?
Bai, deitu iezadazu noiznahi. Yes, call me anytime.
Barkatu, zure deia galdu dut. Sorry, I missed your call.
Bihar elkartu gaitezke? Can we meet tomorrow?
Non elkartuko gara? Where shall we meet?
Kafetegian elkartu gaitezen. Let's meet at the cafe.
Zer ordu? What time?
15:00etan. At 3 PM.
Urrun al dago? Is it far?
Biratu ezkerrera. Turn left.
Biratu eskuinera. Turn right.
Aurrera zuzen. Go straight ahead.
Hartu lehenengo ezkerrera. Take the first left.
Hartu bigarren eskuinera. Take the second right.
Banku ondoan dago. It's next to the bank.
Supermerkatuaren parean dago. It's opposite the supermarket.
Posta bulegotik gertu dago. It's near the post office.
Hemendik urrun dago. It's far from here.
Zure telefonoa erabil al dezaket? Can I use your phone?
Wi-Fi al duzu? Do you have Wi-Fi?
Zein da pasahitza? What's the password?
Nire telefonoa hilda dago. My phone is dead.
Hemen kargatu al dezaket nire telefonoa? Can I charge my phone here?
Mediku bat behar dut. I need a doctor.
Deitu anbulantzia bati. Call an ambulance.
Zorabioa sentitzen dut. I feel dizzy.
Buruko mina dut. I have a headache.
tripako mina daukat. I have a stomachache.
Farmazia bat behar dut. I need a pharmacy.
Non dago gertuen dagoen ospitalea? Where is the nearest hospital?
Poltsa galdu nuen. I lost my bag.
Deitu dezakezu poliziari? Can you call the police?
Laguntza behar dut. I need help.
Nire lagunaren bila nabil. I'm looking for my friend.
Ikusi al duzu pertsona hau? Have you seen this person?
Galduta nago. I'm lost.
Erakutsi al didazu mapan? Can you show me on the map?
Jarraibideak behar ditut. I need directions.
Zein da gaurko eguna? What's the date today?
Zein da ordua? What's the time?
Goiz da. It's early.
Berandu da. It's late.
Garaiz nago. I'm on time.
Goiz nago. I'm early.
Berandu nabil. I'm late.
Berriz programatu al dezakegu? Can we reschedule?
bertan behera utzi behar dut. I need to cancel.
Astelehenean eskuragarri nago. I'm available on Monday.
Zein ordutan balio du zuretzat? What time works for you?
Horrek balio du niretzat. That works for me.
Lanpetuta nago orduan. I'm busy then.
Ekarri al dezaket lagun bat? Can I bring a friend?
Hemen nago. I'm here.
Non zaude? Where are you?
Bidean nago. I'm on my way.
5 minutu barru egongo naiz. I'll be there in 5 minutes.
Barkatu, berandu nator. Sorry, I'm late.
Bidaia ona egin duzu? Did you have a good trip?
Bai, bikaina izan zen. Yes, it was great.
Ez, nekagarria zen. No, it was tiring.
Ongi etorri! Welcome back!
Idatzi al didazu? Can you write it down for me?
Ez naiz ondo sentitzen. I don't feel well.
Ideia ona dela uste dut. I think it's a good idea.
Ez zait ideia ona iruditzen. I don't think that's a good idea.
Esango al zenidake gehiago horri buruz? Could you tell me more about it?
Bi lagunentzako mahaia erreserbatu nahiko nuke. I'd like to book a table for two.
Maiatzaren lehena da. It's the first of May.
Probatu al dezaket hau? Can I try this on?
Non dago probalekua? Where's the fitting room?
Hau txikiegia da. This is too small.
Hau handiegia da. This is too big.
Egun on! Good morning!
Egun ona izan! Have a great day!
Zer gertatzen da? What's up?
Zerbaitetan lagundu al dizut? Can I help you with anything?
Eskerrik asko. Thank you so much.
Sentitzen dut hori entzutea. I'm sorry to hear that.
Zorionak! Congratulations!
Sekulakoa dirudi horrek. That sounds great.
Errepikatu al zenuke mesedez? Could you please repeat that?
Ez nuen hori harrapatu. I didn't catch that.
Harra dezagun laster. Let's catch up soon.
Zer uste duzu? What do you think?
Jakinaraziko dizut. I'll let you know.
Lor al dezaket zure iritzia honi buruz? Can I get your opinion on this?
Irrikitan nago. I'm looking forward to it.
Nola lagundu dezaket? How can I assist you?
Hiri batean bizi naiz. I live in a city.
Herri txiki batean bizi naiz. I live in a small town.
Landan bizi naiz. I live in the countryside.
Hondartzatik gertu bizi naiz. I live near the beach.
Zein da zure lana? What's your job?
Lan bila nabil. I'm looking for a job.
Irakaslea naiz. I'm a teacher.
Ospitale batean lan egiten dut. I work in a hospital.
Erretiratuta nago. I'm retired.
Baduzu maskotarik? Do you have any pets?
Horrek zentzua du. That makes sense.
Zure laguntza eskertzen dut. I appreciate your help.
Polita izan zen zu ezagutzea. It was nice meeting you.
Jarrai gaitezen harremanetan. Let's keep in touch.
Bidaia seguru! Safe travels!
Desio onenak. Best wishes.
Ez nago ziur. I'm not sure.
Hori azalduko zenidake? Could you explain that to me?
Benetan sentitzen dut. I'm really sorry.
Zenbat balio du honek? How much does this cost?
Faktura jaso al dezaket, mesedez? Can I have the bill, please?
Gomenda al dezakezu jatetxe on bat? Can you recommend a good restaurant?
Jarraibideak eman dizkidazu? Could you give me directions?
Non daude komunak? Where is the restroom?
Erreserba bat egin nahiko nuke. I'd like to make a reservation.
Eman al dezakegu menua, mesedez? Can we have the menu, please?
alergia naiz... I'm allergic to...
Zenbat denbora beharko du? How long will it take?
Edalontzi bat ur har dezaket, mesedez? Can I have a glass of water, please?
Eserleku hau libre al dago? Is this seat taken?
Nire izena da... My name is...
Polikiago hitz egin dezakezu, mesedez? Can you speak more slowly, please?
Lagundu al didazu, mesedez? Could you help me, please?
Hemen nago nire hitzorduarako. I'm here for my appointment.
Non aparkatu dezaket? Where can I park?
Hau itzuli nahiko nuke. I'd like to return this.
Entregatu al duzu? Do you deliver?
Zein da Wi-Fi pasahitza? What's the Wi-Fi password?
Nire eskaera bertan behera utzi nahi nuke. I'd like to cancel my order.
Ordainagiri bat izan al dezaket, mesedez? Can I have a receipt, please?
Zein da kanbio-tasa? What's the exchange rate?
Erreserbak hartzen dituzu? Do you take reservations?
Ba al dago deskonturik? Is there a discount?
Zein ordutegi daude? What are the opening hours?
Erreserba al dezaket bi lagunentzako mahai bat? Can I book a table for two?
Non dago kutxazain automatikoa? Where's the nearest ATM?
Nola iristen naiz aireportura? How do I get to the airport?
Taxi bat deitu al didazu? Can you call me a taxi?
Kafe bat nahi nuke, mesedez. I'd like a coffee, please.
Gehiago izan al dezaket...? Could I have some more...?
Zer esan nahi du hitz honek? What does this word mean?
Banatu al dezakegu faktura? Can we split the bill?
Hemen nago oporretan. I'm here on vacation.
Zer gomendatzen duzu? What do you recommend?
Helbide honen bila nabil. I'm looking for this address.
Noraino da? How far is it?
Eman al dezaket txekea, mesedez? Can I have the check, please?
Lanpostu hutsik al duzu? Do you have any vacancies?
Hoteletik irten nahi dut. I'd like to check out.
Hemen utzi al dezaket nire ekipajea? Can I leave my luggage here?
Zein da... heltzeko modurik onena? What's the best way to get to...?
Egokigailu bat behar dut. I need an adapter.
Mapa bat izan al dezaket? Can I have a map?
Zer da oroigarri ona? What's a good souvenir?
Argazki bat atera al dezaket? Can I take a photo?
Ba al dakizu non eros dezakedan...? Do you know where I can buy...?
Hemen nago negozioetan. I'm here on business.
Berandu irten al dezaket? Can I have a late checkout?
Non alokatu dezaket auto bat? Where can I rent a car?
Nire erreserba aldatu behar dut. I need to change my booking.
Zein da bertako espezialitatea? What's the local specialty?
Leihoko eserlekua izan al dezaket? Can I have a window seat?
Gosaria barne al dago? Is breakfast included?
Nola konektatzen naiz Wi-Fira? How do I connect to the Wi-Fi?
Erretzailerik gabeko gela bat izan al dezaket? Can I have a non-smoking room?
Non aurki dezaket farmazia bat? Where can I find a pharmacy?
Ibilbide bat gomendatuko al duzu? Can you recommend a tour?
Nola iritsiko naiz tren geltokira? How do I get to the train station?
Biratu ezkerrera semaforoetan. Turn left at the traffic lights.
Jarrai zuzen aurrera. Keep going straight ahead.
Supermerkatuaren ondoan dago. It's next to the supermarket.
Smith jaunaren bila nabil. I'm looking for Mr. Smith.
Mezu bat utzi al dezaket? Could I leave a message?
Zerbitzua barne al dago? Is service included?
Hau ez da nik agindutakoa. This isn't what I ordered.
Uste dut akats bat dagoela. I think there's a mistake.
Fruitu lehorretan alergia naiz. I'm allergic to nuts.
Ogi gehiago har genezake? Could we have some more bread?
Zein da Wi-Fiaren pasahitza? What's the password for the Wi-Fi?
Nire telefonoaren bateria agortuta dago. My phone's battery is dead.
Ba al duzu erabil nezakeen kargagailurik? Do you have a charger I could use?
Gomendatuko al zenuke jatetxe on bat? Could you recommend a good restaurant?
Zein leku ikusi behar ditut? What sights should I see?
Inguruan farmaziarik al dago? Is there a pharmacy nearby?
Zigilu batzuk erosi behar ditut. I need to buy some stamps.
Non argitaratu dezaket gutun hau? Where can I post this letter?
Auto bat alokatu nahiko nuke. I'd like to rent a car.
Mugitu al zenuke poltsa, mesedez? Could you move your bag, please?
Trena beteta dago. The train is full.
Zein nasatik ateratzen da trena? What platform does the train leave from?
Hau al da Londreserako trena? Is this the train to London?
Zenbat irauten du bidaiak? How long does the journey take?
Ireki dezaket leihoa? Can I open the window?
Leihoko eserlekua nahi nuke, mesedez. I'd like a window seat, please.
Gaixo sentitzen naiz. I feel sick.
Pasaportea galdu dut. I've lost my passport.
Taxi bati deitu al didazu? Can you call a taxi for me?
Noraino dago aireportura? How far is it to the airport?
Zein ordutan irekitzen da museoa? What time does the museum open?
Zenbat da sarrera? How much is the entrance fee?
Argazkiak atera al ditzaket? Can I take photos?
Non erosi ditzaket sarrerak? Where can I buy tickets?
Kaltetuta dago. It's damaged.
Lor al dezaket itzulketa bat? Can I get a refund?
Arakatzen ari naiz, eskerrik asko. I'm just browsing, thank you.
Opari baten bila nabil. I'm looking for a gift.
Beste kolore batean daukazu hau? Do you have this in another color?
Ordaindu al dezaket zatika? Can I pay in installments?
Hau oparia da. Itzul dezakezu niretzat? This is a gift. Can you wrap it for me?
Hitzordua jarri behar dut. I need to make an appointment.
Erreserba bat daukat. I have a reservation.
Nire erreserba bertan behera utzi nahi dut. I'd like to cancel my booking.
Hemen nago hitzaldirako. I'm here for the conference.
Non dago izena emateko mahaia? Where's the registration desk?
Izan al dezaket hiriaren mapa? Can I have a map of the city?
Non trukatu dezaket dirua? Where can I exchange money?
Erretiratzea egin behar dut. I need to make a withdrawal.
Nire txartela ez dabil. My card isn't working.
PINa ahaztu zait. I forgot my PIN.
Zein ordutan ematen da gosaria? What time is breakfast served?
Gimnasiorik al duzu? Do you have a gym?
Igerilekua berotzen al da? Is the pool heated?
Burko gehigarri bat behar dut. I need an extra pillow.
Aire girotua ez dabil. The air conditioning isn't working.
Gustura egon naiz. I've enjoyed my stay.
Beste hotel bat gomendatuko al zenuke? Could you recommend another hotel?
Intsektu batek hozka egin dit. I've been bitten by an insect.
Giltza galdu dut. I've lost my key.
Esnatu al dezaket? Can I have a wake-up call?
Turismo informazio bulegoaren bila nabil. I'm looking for the tourist information office.
Txartel bat erosi al dezaket hemen? Can I buy a ticket here?
Noiz da hurrengo autobusa hirigunera? When's the next bus to the city center?
Nola erabiltzen dut txartel-makina hau? How do I use this ticket machine?
Deskonturik al dago ikasleentzat? Is there a discount for students?
Kidetza berritu nahiko nuke. I'd like to renew my membership.
Eserlekua aldatu al dezaket? Can I change my seat?
Hegaldia galdu dut. I missed my flight.
Non erreklamatu dezaket nire ekipajea? Where can I claim my luggage?
Ba al dago anezkarik hotelera? Is there a shuttle to the hotel?
Zerbait deklaratu behar dut. I need to declare something.
Ume batekin noa bidaiatzen. I'm traveling with a child.
Lagun al didazu nire poltsekin? Can you help me with my bags?

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