
Memorize the most common words in Basque

An effective method for memorizing the most common words in Basque is based on muscle memory. By repeatedly typing the words, you enhance your ability to remember them. Dedicate 10 minutes of practice each day, and you could learn all the essential words within two-three months.

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Why the First 1000 Words in Basque Are Crucial

There's no magic number of Basque words that will unlock conversational fluency, as language proficiency hinges on multiple factors. These include the intrinsic complexity of Basque, the specific scenarios in which you aim to communicate, and your skill in applying the language creatively and flexibly. Nonetheless, in the realm of Basque language learning, the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) offers a guideline for gauging language proficiency levels.

The CEFR's A1 tier, labeled as the Beginner level, corresponds to a basic familiarity with Basque. At this initial stage, a learner is equipped to grasp and employ common, day-to-day expressions as well as elementary phrases designed for meeting immediate needs. This includes self-introduction, fielding and posing questions about personal details, and engaging in straightforward interactions, assuming the conversation partner speaks slowly, articulately, and is patient. While the exact vocabulary for an A1 level student may differ, it often ranges from 500 to 1,000 words, a foundation robust enough for crafting simple sentences and framing queries related to numbers, dates, essential personal details, commonplace objects, and uncomplicated activities in Basque.

Further analysis suggests that a vocabulary tallying at the A2 level is where basic conversational fluency in Basque begins to crystallize. At this stage, having a command of roughly 1,200 to 2,000 words may suffice for elementary dialogue encompassing familiar subjects.

Hence, accruing a lexicon of 1,000 Basque words is deemed a highly effective strategy for a broad understanding of written and spoken contexts, alongside the capability to articulate oneself in a swath of routine scenarios. Achieving this lexicon is to equip yourself with the critical vocabulary needed for communicating with a measure of ease and is a tangible target for most learners of the language.

It's important to note that mere knowledge of individual Basque words won't suffice. The key to language mastery lies in the ability to weave these words into coherent, meaningful exchanges and to navigate conversations with confidence in Basque. This includes not only vocabulary but also a grasp of basic Basque grammar principles, pronunciation patterns, and familiar expressions—all vital elements to truly leveraging your 1,000-word arsenal.

List of 1000 most common words (Basque)

berak he
berak she
hura it
guk we
haiek they
ni me
zuk you
hura him
gu us
haiek them
ene my
zure your
bera her
bere its
gure our
haien their
nirea mine
zurea yours
haren his
berea hers
gurea ours
haienak theirs
hau this
guztiak all
lehenik first
bigarrena second
hirugarrena third
hurrengoa next
azkena last
bat one
bi two
hiru three
lau four
bost five
sei six
zazpi seven
zortzi eight
bederatzi nine
hamar ten
berriz again
beti always
inoiz ez never
beste bat another
beste other
bera same
desberdinak different
asko a lot
eta and
to to
urtean in
da is
hori that
zen was
rentzat for
on on
dira are
bezala as
rekin with
etan at
izan be
izan have
tik from
edo or
izan had
arabera by
hitza word
baina but
ez not
zer what
ziren were
noiz when
daiteke can
esan zuen said
han there
erabili use
zero zero
bakoitza each
zeina which
egin do
nola how
bada if
borondatea will
gora up
buruz about
kanpora out
asko many
gero then
hauek these
beraz so
batzuk some
litzateke would
egin make
atsegin like
sartu into
denbora time
ditu has
begiratu look
gehiago more
idatzi write
joan go
ikusi see
zenbakia number
ez no
era way
liteke could
jendea people
baino than
ura water
izan been
deitu call
MOE who
olioa oil
orain now
aurkitu find
luzea long
behera down
eguna day
egin zuen did
lortu get
etorri come
egina made
maiatza may
zatia part
baino gehiago over
esan say
ezarri set
berria new
handia great
jarri put
soinua sound
non where
amaiera end
hartu take
lagundu help
egiten du does
bakarrik only
bidez through
gutxi little
asko much
ondo well
lana work
aurretik before
handia large
jakin know
lerroa line
behar must
leku place
eskubidea right
handia big
urtean year
ere bai too
are even
bizi live
esan nahi mean
halakoak such
zaharra old
izan ere because
atzera back
edozein any
buelta turn
eman give
hemen here
gehienak most
kontatu tell
zergatik why
oso very
mutila boy
galdetu ask
ondoren after
jarraitu follow
joan zen went
gauza thing
etorri zen came
gizonak men
nahi want
irakurri read
besterik gabe just
erakutsi show
beharra need
izena name
gainera also
lurra land
ona good
inguruan around
perpausa sentence
forma form
etxera home
gizon man
pentsatu think
txikia small
mugitu move
saiatu try
jatorra kind
eskua hand
irudia picture
aldatu change
itzali off
jolastu play
sorgintzea spell
airea air
kanpoan away
animalia animal
etxea house
puntua point
orrialdea page
gutuna letter
ama mother
erantzun answer
aurkituta found
aztertu study
oraindik still
ikasi learn
beharko luke should
Amerika America
mundua world
altua high
bakoitzean every
hamaika eleven
hamabi twelve
hamahiru thirteen
hamalau fourteen
hamabost fifteen
hamasei sixteen
hamazazpi seventeen
hamazortzi eighteen
hemeretzi nineteen
hogei twenty
gertu near
gehitu add
janari food
artean between
propioa own
behean below
herrialdea country
landarea plant
eskola school
aita father
gorde keep
zuhaitza tree
hasi start
hiria city
lurra earth
begi eye
argia light
pentsatu thought
burua head
azpian under
ipuina story
zerra saw
garrantzitsua important
ezker left
arte until
ez egin don't
haurrak children
gutxi few
alde side
bitartean while
oinak feet
batera along
autoa car
baliteke might
kilometroa mile
itxi close
gaua night
zerbait something
ibili walk
badirudi seem
zuria white
itsasoa sea
gogorra hard
hasi zen began
irekita open
hazi grow
adibidea example
hartu took
hasi begin
ibaia river
bizitza life
eraman carry
horiek those
Estatu state
biak both
behin once
papera paper
liburua book
elkarrekin together
entzun hear
lortu got
gelditu stop
taldea group
gabe without
askotan often
Korrika egin run
beranduago later
andereño miss
ideia idea
nahikoa enough
jan eat
aurpegia face
ikusi watch
urrun far
indiarra Indian
benetan really
ia almost
utzi let
goian above
neska girl
batzuetan sometimes
mendia mountain
moztu cut
gaztea young
hitz egin talk
laster soon
zerrenda list
abestia song
izatea being
utzi leave
familia family
da it's
gorputza body
musika music
kolore color
zutik egon stand
eguzkia sun
galdera question
arraina fish
eremua area
markatu mark
txakurra dog
zaldi horse
txoriak birds
arazoa problem
osatu complete
gela room
bazekien knew
geroztik since
inoiz ever
pieza piece
esan told
normalean usually
ez zuen egin didn't
lagunak friends
erraza easy
entzun heard
ordena order
gorria red
ate door
ziur sure
bihurtu become
goian top
itsasontzia ship
zehar across
gaur today
zehar during
laburra short
hobeto better
onena best
hala ere however
baxua low
orduak hours
beltza black
produktuak products
gertatu zen happened
osorik whole
neurria measure
gogoratu remember
goiz early
olatuak waves
heldu zen reached
eginda done
ingelesa English
errepidea road
gelditu halt
hegan fly
eman gave
kutxa box
azkenik finally
itxaron wait
zuzena correct
oi oh
azkar quickly
pertsona person
bihurtu zen became
erakusten shown
minutu minutes
indartsu strong
aditza verb
izarrak stars
aurrean front
sentitu feel
Izan ere fact
zentimetroak inches
kalea street
erabaki zuen decided
eduki contain
noski course
azalera surface
ekoitzi produce
eraikin building
ozeanoa ocean
klasea class
ohar note
ezer ez nothing
atsedena rest
arretaz carefully
zientzialariak scientists
barruan inside
gurpilak wheels
egon stay
berdea green
ezagunak known
irla island
astean week
gutxiago less
makina machine
oinarria base
duela ago
zutik stood
hegazkina plane
sistema system
atzean behind
korrika egin ran
biribila round
txalupa boat
jokoa game
indarra force
ekarri brought
ulertu understand
epela warm
ohikoa common
ekarri bring
azaldu explain
lehorra dry
arren though
hizkuntza language
forma shape
sakona deep
milaka thousands
bai yes
argi clear
ekuazioa equation
oraindik yet
Gobernu government
beteta filled
beroa heat
betea full
beroa hot
egiaztatu check
objektua object
am am
arau rule
artean among
izena noun
boterea power
ezin cannot
gai able
tamaina size
iluna dark
pilota ball
materiala material
berezia special
astuna heavy
ondo fine
bikotea pair
zirkulu circle
barne include
eraikia built
ezin can't
materia matter
karratu square
silabak syllables
beharbada perhaps
faktura bill
sentitu felt
bat-batean suddenly
proba test
norabidea direction
zentroa center
nekazariak farmers
prest ready
edozer gauza anything
banatuta divided
orokorra general
energia energy
gaia subject
Europa Europe
ilargia moon
eskualdea region
itzuli return
sinetsi believe
dantza dance
kideak members
jasoa picked
sinplea simple
zelulak cells
margotu paint
gogoa mind
maitasuna love
kausa cause
euria rain
ariketa exercise
arrautzak eggs
trena train
urdina blue
nahia wish
jaregin drop
garatu developed
leihoa window
aldea difference
distantzia distance
bihotza heart
eseri sit
batura sum
udara summer
horma wall
basoa forest
ziurrenik probably
hankak legs
eseri sat
nagusia main
negua winter
zabala wide
idatzia written
luzera length
arrazoia reason
mantendu kept
interesa interest
besoak arms
anaia brother
lasterketa race
presente present
ederra beautiful
denda store
lana job
ertza edge
iragana past
sinatu sign
erregistroa record
amaitu finished
aurkitu discovered
basatia wild
pozik happy
ondoan beside
joana gone
zerua sky
beira glass
milioi million
mendebaldea west
etzan lay
eguraldia weather
erroa root
instrumentuak instruments
elkartu meet
hilabeteak months
paragrafoa paragraph
altxatu raised
irudikatu represent
biguna soft
ala ez whether
arropa clothes
loreak flowers
egingo shall
irakaslea teacher
ospatu held
deskribatzea describe
gidatu drive
gurutzea cross
hitz egin speak
konpondu solve
agertu appear
metala metal
semea son
bai either
izotza ice
lo egin sleep
herria village
faktoreak factors
emaitza result
salto egin zuen jumped
elurra snow
ibili ride
zaindu care
solairua floor
muinoa hill
bultzatuta pushed
umea baby
erosi buy
mendean century
kanpoan outside
dena everything
altua tall
jadanik already
horren ordez instead
esaldia phrase
lurzorua soil
ohea bed
kopiatu copy
dohainik free
itxaropena hope
udaberria spring
kasua case
barre egin zuen laughed
nazioa nation
nahiko quite
mota type
beraiek themselves
tenperatura temperature
distiratsua bright
beruna lead
denek everyone
metodoa method
atala section
aintzira lake
kontsonantea consonant
barruan within
hiztegia dictionary
ilea hair
adina age
zenbatekoa amount
eskala scale
kiloak pounds
arren although
per per
hautsita broken
momentua moment
txiki-txikia tiny
posible possible
urrea gold
esne milk
isilik quiet
naturala natural
asko lot
harria stone
jardun act
eraiki build
erdikoa middle
abiadura speed
zenbatu count
katua cat
norbait someone
bela sail
biribilduta rolled
bear bear
harritzen wonder
irribarre egin zuen smiled
angelua angle
zatikia fraction
Afrika Africa
hil killed
doinua melody
behean bottom
bidaia trip
zuloa hole
pobrea poor
dezagun let's
borrokatu fight
sorpresa surprise
frantsesa French
hil zen died
beat beat
zehazki exactly
geratu remain
jantzi dress
burdina iron
ezin couldn't
behatzak fingers
ilara row
gutxienez least
harrapatu catch
igo zen climbed
idatzi zuen wrote
oihukatu zuen shouted
jarraitu zuen continued
bera itself
bestela else
lautadak plains
gasa gas
Ingalaterra England
erretzen burning
diseinua design
batu joined
oina foot
legea law
belarriak ears
belarra grass
zara you're
hazi grew
azala skin
bailara valley
zentimo cents
giltza key
presidentea president
marroia brown
arazoak trouble
freskoa cool
Hodei cloud
galdua lost
bidali sent
sinboloak symbols
higadura wear
txarra bad
gorde save
esperimentua experiment
motorra engine
bakarrik alone
marrazkia drawing
ekialdea east
ordaindu pay
bakarrekoa single
ukitu touch
informazioa information
adierazi express
ahoa mouth
patioa yard
berdinak equal
hamartar decimal
zeure burua yourself
kontrola control
praktikatu practice
txostena report
zuzen straight
altxatu rise
adierazpena statement
makila stick
festa party
haziak seeds
demagun suppose
emakumea woman
Kostaldea coast
bankua bank
aldia period
alanbre wire
aukeratu choose
garbi clean
bisita visit
bit bit
Zeinen whose
jaso received
lorategi garden
mesedez please
arraro strange
harrapatu caught
erori zen fell
taldea team
Jainkoa God
kapitaina captain
zuzena direct
eraztun ring
zerbitzatu serve
ume child
basamortua desert
areagotu increase
historia history
kostua cost
agian maybe
negozioa business
bereizi separate
hautsi break
osaba uncle
ehiza hunting
fluxua flow
andrea lady
ikasleak students
gizakia human
art art
sentimendua feeling
hornidura supply
izkina corner
elektrikoa electric
intsektuak insects
laboreak crops
tonua tone
jo hit
harea sand
medikua doctor
eman provide
horrela thus
ez won't
sukaldari cook
hezurrak bones
buztana tail
taula board
modernoa modern
konposatua compound
ez zen wasn't
egokitu fit
gainera addition
dagokio belong
seguru safe
soldaduak soldiers
asmatu guess
isilik silent
merkataritza trade
baizik rather
konparatu compare
jendetza crowd
poema poem
gozatu enjoy
elementuak elements
adierazi indicate
izan ezik except
espero expect
laua flat
interesgarria interesting
zentzua sense
katea string
kolpea blow
ospetsua famous
balioa value
hegoak wings
mugimendua movement
zutoina pole
zirraragarria exciting
adarrak branches
lodiak thick
odola blood
gezurra lie
leku spot
kanpaia bell
dibertigarria fun
ozen loud
kontuan hartu consider
proposatu suggested
mehea thin
posizioa position
sartu entered
fruta fruit
lotuta tied
aberatsa rich
dolarrak dollars
bidali send
ikusmena sight
buruzagia chief
japoniarra Japanese
erreka stream
planetak planets
erritmoa rhythm
zientzia science
nagusi major
behatu observe
hodia tube
beharrezkoak necessary
pisua weight
haragia meat
altxatu lifted
prozesua process
armada army
kapela hat
jabetza property
bereziki particular
igeri egin swim
terminoak terms
korronte current
parkea park
saldu sell
sorbalda shoulder
industria industry
garbitu wash
blokeatu block
barreiatu spread
ganadua cattle
emaztea wife
zorrotza sharp
konpainia company
irratia radio
egingo dugu we'll
ekintza action
kapitala capital
lantegiak factories
finkatu settled
horia yellow
ez da isn't
hegoaldekoa southern
kamioia truck
bidezkoa fair
inprimatuta printed
ez luke wouldn't
aurrera ahead
aukera chance
jaioa born
maila level
triangelua triangle
molekulak molecules
Frantzia France
errepikatu repeated
zutabea column
mendebaldekoa western
eliza church
arreba sister
oxigenoa oxygen
plurala plural
hainbat various
adostu agreed
kontrakoa opposite
gaizki wrong
taula chart
prestatuta prepared
polita pretty
irtenbidea solution
freskoa fresh
denda shop
batez ere especially
oinetakoak shoes
benetan actually
sudurra nose
beldur afraid
hildakoak dead
azukrea sugar
izenlaguna adjective
irud fig
bulegoa office
erraldoia huge
pistola gun
antzekoa similar
heriotza death
puntuazioa score
aurrera forward
luzatu stretched
esperientzia experience
arrosa rose
baimendu allow
beldurra fear
langileak workers
Washington Washington
grekoa Greek
emakumeak women
erosi bought
Led led
martxoa march
iparraldekoa northern
sortu create
zaila difficult
partida match
irabazi win
ez du doesn't
altzairua steel
guztira total
tratua deal
zehaztu determine
arratsaldean evening
ezta nor
soka rope
kotoia cotton
sagarra apple
xehetasunak details
osoa entire
artoa corn
substantziak substances
usaina smell
tresnak tools
baldintzak conditions
behiak cows
pista track
heldu zen arrived
kokatuta located
jauna sir
eserlekua seat
zatiketa division
efektua effect
azpimarratu underline
ikuspegia view
triste sad
itsusia ugly
aspergarria boring
lanpetuta busy
berandu late
okerrago worse
hainbat several
bat ere ez none
aurka against
gutxitan rarely
ezta ere neither
bihar tomorrow
atzo yesterday
arratsaldean afternoon
hilabetea month
Igandea Sunday
astelehena Monday
asteartea Tuesday
asteazkena Wednesday
Osteguna Thursday
ostirala Friday
Larunbata Saturday
udazkena autumn
iparraldea north
hegoaldera south
gosea hungry
egarri thirsty
bustia wet
arriskutsua dangerous
laguna friend
gurasoa parent
alaba daughter
senarra husband
sukaldea kitchen
komuna bathroom
logela bedroom
egongela living room
herria town
ikaslea student
boligrafoa pen
gosaria breakfast
bazkaria lunch
afaria dinner
bazkari meal
platanoa banana
laranja orange
limoia lemon
barazki vegetable
patata potato
tomatea tomato
tipula onion
entsalada salad
haragia beef
txerrikia pork
oilaskoa chicken
ogia bread
gurina butter
gazta cheese
arrautza egg
arroza rice
pasta pasta
zopa soup
tarta cake
kafea coffee
tea tea
zukua juice
gatza salt
piperra pepper
edan drink
labean bake
zaporea taste
trajea suit
alkandora shirt
gona skirt
prakak pants
berokia coat
poltsa bag
grisa gray
arrosa pink

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