
Master Common Catalan Phrases

An efficient technique for learning the most popular phrases in Catalan is based on muscle memory and the spaced repetition technique. Regularly practicing typing these phrases improves your recall capability. Allocating 10 minutes daily to this exercise can enable you to master all crucial phrases in just two to three months.

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Why learning the most popular phrases in Catalan is important

Learning the most common phrases in Catalan at a beginner level (A1) is a crucial step in language acquisition for several reasons.

Solid foundation for further learning

By mastering the most frequently used phrases, you are essentially learning the building blocks of the language. This will make it easier to understand more complex sentences and conversations as you progress in your studies.

Basic communication

Even with a limited vocabulary, knowing common phrases can enable you to express basic needs, ask simple questions, and understand straightforward responses. This can be particularly useful if you are traveling to a country with Catalan as a main language or interacting with Catalan speakers.

Helps in comprehension

By familiarizing yourself with common phrases, you will be better equipped to understand spoken and written Catalan. This can make it easier to follow conversations, read texts, and even watch films or television shows in Catalan.

Helps to build confidence

Learning a new language can be daunting, but being able to successfully use and understand common phrases can provide a much-needed confidence boost. This can motivate you to continue learning and improving your language skills.

Cultural insight

Many common phrases are unique to a particular language and can provide insight into the culture and customs of its speakers. By learning these phrases, you are not only improving your language skills but also gaining a deeper understanding of culture.

Learning the most common phrases in Catalan at a beginner level (A1) is an important step in language learning. It provides a foundation for further learning, enables basic communication, aids in comprehension, builds confidence, and offers cultural insight.

Essential Phrases for Everyday Conversation (Catalan)

Hola com estàs? Hello, how are you?
Bon dia. Good morning.
Bona tarda. Good afternoon.
Bona nit. Good evening.
Bona nit. Good night.
Adéu. Goodbye.
Et veig després. See you later.
Fins aviat. See you soon.
Fins demà. See you tomorrow.
Si us plau. Please.
Gràcies. Thank you.
De benvingut. You're welcome.
Disculpeu-me. Excuse me.
Ho sento. I'm sorry.
Cap problema. No problem.
Jo necessito... I need...
Vull... I want...
Jo tinc... I have...
No en tinc I don't have
Tens...? Do you have...?
Penso... I think...
no crec... I don't think...
Ho sé... I know...
No ho sé... I don't know...
Tinc gana. I'm hungry.
Tinc set. I'm thirsty.
Estic cansat. I'm tired.
Estic malalt. I'm sick.
Estic bé, gràcies. I'm fine, thank you.
Com et sents? How do you feel?
Em sento bé. I feel good.
Em sento malament. I feel bad.
Et puc ajudar? Can I help you?
Em pots ajudar? Can you help me?
No ho entenc. I don't understand.
Pots repetir-ho, siusplau? Could you repeat that, please?
Com et dius? What's your name?
Em dic Alex My name is Alex
Encantat de conèixer-te. Nice to meet you.
Quants anys tens? How old are you?
Tinc 30 anys. I am 30 years old.
D'on ets? Where are you from?
Sóc de Londres I am from London
Parles anglès? Do you speak English?
Parlo una mica d'anglès. I speak a little English.
No parlo bé anglès. I don't speak English well.
Què fas? What do you do?
Sóc estudiant. I am a student.
Treballo com a professor. I work as a teacher.
M'agrada. I like it.
No m'agrada. I don't like it.
Què és això? What's this?
Això és un llibre. That's a book.
Quant val, això? How much is this?
És massa car. It's too expensive.
Com va? How are you doing?
Estic bé, gràcies. I tu? I'm fine, thank you. And you?
Sóc de Londres I'm from London
Sí, parlo una mica. Yes, I speak a little.
Tinc 30 anys. I'm 30 years old.
Sóc un estudiant. I'm a student.
Treballo com a professor. I work as a teacher.
És un llibre. It's a book.
Em pots ajudar si us plau? Can you help me, please?
Sí, per suposat. Yes, of course.
No, ho sento. Estic ocupat. No, I'm sorry. I'm busy.
On és el lavabo? Where is the bathroom?
Està per allà. It's over there.
Quina hora es? What time is it?
Són les tres en punt. It's three o'clock.
Mengem alguna cosa. Let's eat something.
Vols una mica de cafè? Do you want some coffee?
Si, si us plau. Yes, please.
No gràcies. No, thank you.
Quant costa? How much is it?
Són deu dòlars. It's ten dollars.
Puc pagar amb targeta? Can I pay by card?
Ho sento, només en efectiu. Sorry, only cash.
Disculpeu, on és el banc més proper? Excuse me, where's the nearest bank?
És al carrer a l'esquerra. It's down the street on the left.
Pot repetir això si us plau? Can you repeat that, please?
Podries parlar més lentament, si us plau? Could you speak slower, please?
Què vol dir això? What does that mean?
Com es lletreja això? How do you spell that?
Puc prendre un got d'aigua? Can I have a glass of water?
Aquí estàs. Here you are.
Moltes gràcies. Thank you very much.
Està bé. That's okay.
Quin temps fa? What's the weather like?
Està assolellat. It's sunny.
Està plovent. It's raining.
Què estàs fent? What are you doing?
Estic llegint un llibre. I'm reading a book.
Estic veient la televisió. I'm watching TV.
Vaig a la botiga. I'm going to the store.
Vols venir? Do you want to come?
Si, m'encantaria fer-ho. Yes, I'd love to.
No, no puc. No, I can't.
Què vas fer ahir? What did you do yesterday?
Vaig anar a la platja. I went to the beach.
Em vaig quedar a casa. I stayed home.
Quan és el teu aniversari? When is your birthday?
És el 4 de juliol. It's on July 4th.
Pots conduir? Can you drive?
Sí, tinc carnet de conduir. Yes, I have a driver's license.
No, no puc conduir. No, I can't drive.
Estic aprenent a conduir. I'm learning to drive.
On vas aprendre anglès? Where did you learn English?
Ho vaig aprendre a l'escola. I learned it at school.
Ho estic aprenent en línia. I'm learning it online.
Quin és el teu menjar favorit? What's your favorite food?
M'encanta la pizza. I love pizza.
No m'agrada el peix. I don't like fish.
Has estat mai a Londres? Have you ever been to London?
Sí, vaig visitar l'any passat. Yes, I visited last year.
No, però m'agradaria anar-hi. No, but I'd like to go.
Me'n vaig al llit. I'm going to bed.
Dorm bé. Sleep well.
Que tinguis un bon dia. Have a good day.
Cuida't. Take care.
Quin és el teu número de telèfon? What's your phone number?
El meu número és ... My number is ...
Et puc trucar? Can I call you?
Sí, truca'm en qualsevol moment. Yes, call me anytime.
Ho sento, he perdut la teva trucada. Sorry, I missed your call.
Ens podem trobar demà? Can we meet tomorrow?
On ens trobarem? Where shall we meet?
Ens trobem a la cafeteria. Let's meet at the cafe.
Quina hora? What time?
A les 15h. At 3 PM.
És lluny? Is it far?
Giri a l'esquerra. Turn left.
Giri a la dreta. Turn right.
Ves tot recte. Go straight ahead.
Agafeu la primera a l'esquerra. Take the first left.
Agafeu la segona dreta. Take the second right.
Està al costat del banc. It's next to the bank.
Està davant del supermercat. It's opposite the supermarket.
És a prop de l'oficina de correus. It's near the post office.
Està lluny d'aquí. It's far from here.
Puc utilitzar el teu telèfon? Can I use your phone?
Tens Wi-Fi? Do you have Wi-Fi?
Quina és la contrasenya? What's the password?
El meu telèfon està mort. My phone is dead.
Puc carregar el meu telèfon aquí? Can I charge my phone here?
Necessito un metge. I need a doctor.
Truqueu a una ambulància. Call an ambulance.
Em sento marejat. I feel dizzy.
Tinc mal de cap. I have a headache.
Tinc mal de panxa. I have a stomachache.
Necessito una farmàcia. I need a pharmacy.
On és l'hospital més proper? Where is the nearest hospital?
Vaig perdre la bossa. I lost my bag.
Pots trucar a la policia? Can you call the police?
Necessito ajuda. I need help.
Estic buscant el meu amic. I'm looking for my friend.
Has vist aquesta persona? Have you seen this person?
Estic perdut. I'm lost.
Em pots mostrar al mapa? Can you show me on the map?
Necessito indicacions. I need directions.
Quina és la data d'avui? What's the date today?
Quina hora es? What's the time?
És d'hora. It's early.
És tard. It's late.
estic a temps. I'm on time.
Sóc d'hora. I'm early.
Vaig tard. I'm late.
Podem reprogramar? Can we reschedule?
Necessito cancel·lar. I need to cancel.
Estic disponible dilluns. I'm available on Monday.
Quina hora et funciona? What time works for you?
Això em funciona. That works for me.
Aleshores estic ocupat. I'm busy then.
Puc portar un amic? Can I bring a friend?
Estic aquí. I'm here.
On ets? Where are you?
Estic de camí. I'm on my way.
En 5 minuts hi seré. I'll be there in 5 minutes.
Perdona, arribo tard. Sorry, I'm late.
Heu fet un bon viatge? Did you have a good trip?
Sí, va ser genial. Yes, it was great.
No, va ser cansat. No, it was tiring.
Benvingut de nou! Welcome back!
Me'l pots escriure? Can you write it down for me?
No em trobo bé. I don't feel well.
Crec que és una bona idea. I think it's a good idea.
No crec que sigui una bona idea. I don't think that's a good idea.
Em podries dir més sobre això? Could you tell me more about it?
M'agradaria reservar una taula per a dos. I'd like to book a table for two.
És el primer de maig. It's the first of May.
Puc provar això? Can I try this on?
On és el provador? Where's the fitting room?
Això és massa petit. This is too small.
Això és massa gran. This is too big.
Bon dia! Good morning!
Que tinguis un bon dia! Have a great day!
Què passa? What's up?
Et puc ajudar amb alguna cosa? Can I help you with anything?
Moltes gràcies. Thank you so much.
Em sap greu sentir això. I'm sorry to hear that.
Felicitats! Congratulations!
Això sona fantàstic. That sounds great.
Podries repetir-ho? Could you please repeat that?
Això no ho vaig entendre. I didn't catch that.
Posem-nos al dia aviat. Let's catch up soon.
Què penses? What do you think?
T'ho faré saber. I'll let you know.
Puc obtenir la teva opinió sobre això? Can I get your opinion on this?
Estic desitjant que arribi. I'm looking forward to it.
Com et puc ajudar? How can I assist you?
Visc en una ciutat. I live in a city.
Visc en un poble petit. I live in a small town.
Visc al camp. I live in the countryside.
Visc a prop de la platja. I live near the beach.
Quin és el teu treball? What's your job?
Estic buscant feina. I'm looking for a job.
Sóc professor. I'm a teacher.
Treballo en un hospital. I work in a hospital.
Estic jubilat. I'm retired.
Té alguna mascota? Do you have any pets?
Això té sentit. That makes sense.
Agraeixo la teva ajuda. I appreciate your help.
Va ser un plaer conèixer-te. It was nice meeting you.
Mantinguem-nos en contacte. Let's keep in touch.
Viatges segurs! Safe travels!
Els millors desitjos. Best wishes.
No estic segur. I'm not sure.
M'ho podries explicar? Could you explain that to me?
Em sap molt greu. I'm really sorry.
Quant costa això? How much does this cost?
Em pots portar el compte si us plau? Can I have the bill, please?
Em pots recomanar un bon restaurant? Can you recommend a good restaurant?
Em podries donar indicacions? Could you give me directions?
On és el lavabo? Where is the restroom?
M'agradaria fer una reserva. I'd like to make a reservation.
Podem tenir el menú, si us plau? Can we have the menu, please?
Sóc al·lèrgic a... I'm allergic to...
Quant de temps trigarà? How long will it take?
Puc prendre un got d'aigua, si us plau? Can I have a glass of water, please?
Aquest seient està ocupat? Is this seat taken?
El meu nom és... My name is...
Pots parlar més lentament, si us plau? Can you speak more slowly, please?
Em pots ajudar, si us plau? Could you help me, please?
Estic aquí per la meva cita. I'm here for my appointment.
On puc aparcar? Where can I park?
M'agradaria tornar això. I'd like to return this.
Entregues? Do you deliver?
Quina és la contrasenya del Wi-Fi? What's the Wi-Fi password?
M'agradaria cancel·lar la meva comanda. I'd like to cancel my order.
Puc tenir un rebut, si us plau? Can I have a receipt, please?
Quin és el tipus de canvi? What's the exchange rate?
Acceptes reserves? Do you take reservations?
Hi ha descompte? Is there a discount?
Quins són els horaris d'obertura? What are the opening hours?
Puc reservar taula per a dos? Can I book a table for two?
On és el caixer automàtic més proper? Where's the nearest ATM?
Com arribo a l'aeroport? How do I get to the airport?
Em pots trucar un taxi? Can you call me a taxi?
M'agradaria un cafè, si us plau. I'd like a coffee, please.
Podria tenir més...? Could I have some more...?
Què significa aquesta paraula? What does this word mean?
Podem dividir la factura? Can we split the bill?
Estic aquí de vacances. I'm here on vacation.
Què em recomaneu? What do you recommend?
Estic buscant aquesta adreça. I'm looking for this address.
A quina distància està? How far is it?
Puc tenir el xec, si us plau? Can I have the check, please?
Tens alguna vacant? Do you have any vacancies?
Ja marxo de l'hotel i vull deixar l'habitació. I'd like to check out.
Puc deixar el meu equipatge aquí? Can I leave my luggage here?
Quina és la millor manera d'arribar a...? What's the best way to get to...?
Necessito un adaptador. I need an adapter.
Puc tenir un mapa? Can I have a map?
Quin és un bon record? What's a good souvenir?
Puc fer una foto? Can I take a photo?
Saps on puc comprar...? Do you know where I can buy...?
Estic aquí per negocis. I'm here on business.
Puc fer una sortida tardana? Can I have a late checkout?
On puc llogar un cotxe? Where can I rent a car?
He de canviar la meva reserva. I need to change my booking.
Quina és l'especialitat local? What's the local specialty?
Puc tenir un seient a la finestra? Can I have a window seat?
Està inclòs l'esmorzar? Is breakfast included?
Com em connecto a la Wi-Fi? How do I connect to the Wi-Fi?
Puc tenir una habitació per a no fumadors? Can I have a non-smoking room?
On puc trobar una farmàcia? Where can I find a pharmacy?
Pots recomanar un recorregut? Can you recommend a tour?
Com puc arribar a l'estació de tren? How do I get to the train station?
Gireu a l'esquerra al semàfor. Turn left at the traffic lights.
Continueu recte. Keep going straight ahead.
Està al costat del supermercat. It's next to the supermarket.
Estic buscant el Sr. Smith. I'm looking for Mr. Smith.
Podria deixar un missatge? Could I leave a message?
El servei està inclòs? Is service included?
Això no és el que vaig demanar. This isn't what I ordered.
Crec que hi ha un error. I think there's a mistake.
Sóc al·lèrgic als fruits secs. I'm allergic to nuts.
Podríem prendre una mica més de pa? Could we have some more bread?
Quina és la contrasenya del Wi-Fi? What's the password for the Wi-Fi?
La bateria del meu telèfon està esgotada. My phone's battery is dead.
Tens un carregador que puc utilitzar? Do you have a charger I could use?
Podries recomanar un bon restaurant? Could you recommend a good restaurant?
Quins llocs d'interès he de veure? What sights should I see?
Hi ha una farmàcia a prop? Is there a pharmacy nearby?
Necessito comprar uns segells. I need to buy some stamps.
On puc publicar aquesta carta? Where can I post this letter?
M'agradaria llogar un cotxe. I'd like to rent a car.
Podries moure la teva bossa, si us plau? Could you move your bag, please?
El tren està ple. The train is full.
Des de quina andana surt el tren? What platform does the train leave from?
Aquest és el tren a Londres? Is this the train to London?
Quant dura el viatge? How long does the journey take?
Puc obrir la finestra? Can I open the window?
M'agradaria un seient a la finestra, si us plau. I'd like a window seat, please.
Em trobo malament. I feel sick.
He perdut el passaport. I've lost my passport.
Em pots trucar un taxi? Can you call a taxi for me?
A quina distància està l'aeroport? How far is it to the airport?
A quina hora obre el museu? What time does the museum open?
Quant costa l'entrada? How much is the entrance fee?
Puc fer fotos? Can I take photos?
On puc comprar les entrades? Where can I buy tickets?
Està malmès. It's damaged.
Puc obtenir un reemborsament? Can I get a refund?
Només estic navegant, gràcies. I'm just browsing, thank you.
Estic buscant un regal. I'm looking for a gift.
Ho tens d'un altre color? Do you have this in another color?
Puc pagar a terminis? Can I pay in installments?
Aquest és un regal. Pots embolicar-lo per mi? This is a gift. Can you wrap it for me?
He de demanar cita. I need to make an appointment.
Tinc una reserva. I have a reservation.
M'agradaria cancel·lar la meva reserva. I'd like to cancel my booking.
Estic aquí per a la conferència. I'm here for the conference.
On és el taulell de registre? Where's the registration desk?
Puc tenir un mapa de la ciutat? Can I have a map of the city?
On puc canviar diners? Where can I exchange money?
He de fer una retirada. I need to make a withdrawal.
La meva targeta no funciona. My card isn't working.
He oblidat el meu PIN. I forgot my PIN.
A quina hora se serveix l'esmorzar? What time is breakfast served?
Tens un gimnàs? Do you have a gym?
La piscina està climatitzada? Is the pool heated?
Necessito un coixí addicional. I need an extra pillow.
L'aire condicionat no funciona. The air conditioning isn't working.
He gaudit de la meva estada. I've enjoyed my stay.
Podries recomanar un altre hotel? Could you recommend another hotel?
M'ha picat un insecte. I've been bitten by an insect.
He perdut la clau. I've lost my key.
Puc tenir una trucada de despertador? Can I have a wake-up call?
Busco l'oficina d'informació turística. I'm looking for the tourist information office.
Puc comprar una entrada aquí? Can I buy a ticket here?
Quan és el proper autobús al centre de la ciutat? When's the next bus to the city center?
Com puc utilitzar aquesta màquina de bitllets? How do I use this ticket machine?
Hi ha descompte per als estudiants? Is there a discount for students?
M'agradaria renovar la meva subscripció. I'd like to renew my membership.
Puc canviar el meu seient? Can I change my seat?
He perdut el meu vol. I missed my flight.
On puc reclamar el meu equipatge? Where can I claim my luggage?
Hi ha servei de trasllat a l'hotel? Is there a shuttle to the hotel?
He de declarar alguna cosa. I need to declare something.
Estic viatjant amb un nen. I'm traveling with a child.
Em pots ajudar amb les maletes? Can you help me with my bags?

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